Program Assessment
JIH LLC has been called upon by a number of government contractors to evaluate these programs as to appropriate scope, effective implementation, training content and comprehension and continuous improvement.
Example assessments include:
Comprehensive Industrial Hygiene Programs review at a National Laboratory to address chronic client/regulator concerns (PNNL)
Beryllium Program implementation and the technical basis for field IH instruments maintenance and calibration, and formal evaluation of work control processes to support hazards identification and controls at a uranium hexafluoride facility undergoing decontamination and demolition(Paducah)
Review and analysis of historical hazards characterization programs and industrial hygiene datasets at the Hanford DOE site to address ongoing employee concerns with the management approach (Hanford)
Formal Beryllium Program review for senior contractor management at a National Laboratory following deficiencies identified through self-assessment. (Oak Ridge)
Each of these assessments included the development of lines of inquiry, results and recommended corrective actions.